Best European Providers Newsgroups Review

*Editors Choice*

• Free Newsreader with Search
• Unlimited Downloads
• 5,411+ Days
• 7 Day Free Trial
• Free Newsreader

• 99.99% Completion Rate
• Uncapped Speeds
• 60 Connections
• 4200+ Days
• 10 Day/ 10 GB Free Trial

• Unlimited Data
• User Generated Content
• 4627+ Days
• 7 Day Free Trial
• Free Newsreader

• Header Compression
• Free Posting
• 7 Day Free Trial
• Free VPN
Choosing your European Usenet Provider
What is Usenet?
European Newsgroup Provider Before the World Wide Web, there was Usenet. Usenet is a large global bulletin board, it is much like a forum, where you can post messages or articles and can access posts by others. Each post, or news article, is arranged into different sections by hierarchy. This is what is known as newsgroups. European Newsgroup Provider contain many topics that range from cars and sports to software and science. There are more than 120,000 various newsgroups that are available on Usenet.
How does Usenet work?
Usenet platform uses a different language than the internet, you can’t use an internet browser to access Usenet. The language that Usenet uses is called “NNTP”, the internet uses “HTTP”. Internet web browsers “read” HTTP, to access Usenet you need a Newsgroup newsreader to access NNTP.
Best European Providers
The file structure of Usenet makes for streamlined uploading and downloading of files and posts. Usenet is built for speed, and newsreaders make these speeds possible. Each newsreader has its own distinct setup.
Boost Your Speed
Eweka offers a High Speed plan, it brings you all that Usenet has to offer in a fraction of the time. This Usenet Access Plan boosts your speeds from 50 Mbps up to 300 Mbps you’ll spend less time waiting and more time enjoying the best of Usenet Newsgroups has to offer.
Eweka manages their own backbone and are able to provide an excellent internet connection. You can always find the shortest routes, with very low ping times, and the highest possible speed. If your connection fails, an alternative route will automatically be chosen for you because all connections are redundant. This gives you the most stable download connections in the Usenet industry. They own a self-built and managed network with POP locations in Amsterdam, London, Frankfurt and more, which guarantees solid and stable connections.

Is Usenet Secure?
Today, Usenet remains an established and global network consisting of hundreds of millions of users, computers, and servers worldwide. Additionally, in the interests of our member’s privacy, we provide SSL encryption at no extra charge. With SSL encryption, your account is completely secure and private, and free SSL encryption on all of our plans to prevent your ISP – and anyone else – from seeing your data, search history, and downloads.
Plans that fits your budget.
Best European Providers
If you download a lot of data and don’t want to worry that you will exceed download-limits of your plan, European Usenet Providers have packages that fit your budget. There are flat fee account you pay a flat rate for unlimited downloading. There are also block account packages that might be right for you. You get a fixed amount of data which you can download at a maximum rate of 100Mbit. This makes for a nice so called ‘fill account’.
Best European Providers
European Newsgroup Provider The more you purchase, the higher the discount gets. If you pay a whole year in advance, you can get discounts up to 30%.